The Kyrgyz state medical academy is the leader in the medical education in the Kyrgyzstan republic and most dynamically developing high school of central Asia. The KSMA employs 473 teachers including 1010 professors and Doctor of Medical Sciences senior lecturers. The academy trains more than 3000 students that citizens Kyrgyzstan, countries of the CIS and other 14 foreign countries. For the time of its operation the KSMQA has produced more than 25000 doctors and experts of association.
The Kyrgyz state medical academy was opened on the 1st September 1939 in the city of Bishkek (formerly FRUNZE) with recruitment of 200 students. The establishment of the academy was invariably contributed to the first Moscow Medical Institute, high medical schools of Saint-Petersburg. Almighty, Tashkent and other medical institutions as well. They provided expertise and the organizational assistance, medical guidelines and training books as well as faculty stops to do a full time job for the institute.
Departments of CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) history and political economy. Regular Anatomy, Biology, Histology. General Chemistry, Physics, Foreign languages, and others were opened. 16 teachers worked at these departments. The second KHARKOV General Medicine and Dentistry Institute and the Moscow Dentistry Institute were evacuated to Kyrgyzstan during the great patriotic war (world war), which caused hardships in the institute's performance. Terms of training were shortened to 4.4 to 5 years. However, by 1943 the Kyrgyz state medical academy had produced the first 250 doctors.
In the 60’s the institute started a program controlled by proficiency with technical means employed. This period had sent the development of scientific backups for gaining expertise in disciplines such as elements of training, levels of their mastering, graphology structures etc.
It is a state medical university of research and innovation type, one of the leading centers of medical education and science in the Asian region, comparable with the leading medical universities of the world. It is a university with advanced training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel based on the integration of educational processes, basic scientific research and innovative approaches.
The Quality Manual was developed and approved by the decision of the Council for the Quality of Education from November 21, 2018. Quality Manual The document describes the quality management system of the KSMA, including the quality Process model and Registry of processes of Education Quality System with the definition of responsible persons and structural units. Manual on monitoring and education quality assessment of training process in KSMA was developed and approved as well.